In order to begin your Indiana Criminal Record Expungement application, call 317-695-7700. Expungement of your criminal record under the Indiana Second Chance Expungement Law has become much easier in recent years. If you are interested in speaking with an Indianapolis Expungement lawyer about having your criminal record expunged under the Indiana Expungement Law, for a criminal felony, criminal misdemeanor, or DCS case, please contact me at 317-695-7700 for a free consultation with an Indiana expungement attorney or email me at [email protected]. If you are emailing me, make sure to include your date of birth and spelling of your name as it appears on

I provide a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE on ALL expungements. For the majority of expungements, no court appearance or office visit is necessary and we offer affordable prices.

I have practiced criminal defense my entire career, teach criminal law at the IU School of Law, and have personally handled thousands of cases.  I practice in the entire State of Indiana, including Marion County, Hamilton County, Hendricks County, Boone County, Monroe County, Indianapolis, Bloomington, Noblesville, Carmel, Fishers, Danville, and Plainfield. If you have additional questions about the Indiana Expungement Law, please do not hesitate to contact me for a free consultation at 317-695-7700 or visit our home page.  

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