Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney & Indiana Criminal Lawyer: Jeff Cardella

If you need a defense attorney in Indianapolis or Indiana, call me at 317-695-7700 for a free consultation or email me at  I have been a criminal attorney in Indiana for my entire legal career and have well over a decade of experience and taught criminal law at the IU School of Law.

Criminal Defense Attorney Indianapolis Jeff Cardella

As a criminal lawyer in Indianapolis, I have represented persons accused of a wide variety of crimes, ranging from murder to minor possession of alcohol.  I have experience in all stages of criminal litigation, including jury trials, bench trials, suppression hearings, post-conviction relief proceedings, appellate law and oral argument, expungement and sealing of records under the Indiana Second Chance law, civil forfeiture, constitutional challenges under 42 USC 1983, hardship licenses and specialized driving permits, probation violations, and plea negotiations.

Over the course of my career, I have handled thousands of cases and been lead counsel in hundreds of trials.

I have represented members of the legal community, including an Indianapolis criminal defense attorney and two Marion County Sheriff’s deputies. As members of the legal community, these individuals spend a great deal of time in Court and have first hand experience with many different criminal lawyers.  These individuals, who had familiarity with many different Indianapolis criminal attorneys, were aware of the high quality of legal representation that I provide and trusted me to serve as their criminal defense lawyer.

My office has been recognized as one of the ten best law firms in the State of Indiana by the American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys and I have been recognized as one of the top ten criminal defense attorneys in the State of Indiana under the age of forty by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys. I have taught criminal law at the Indiana University School of Law and have served as a Judge pro tem in Indianapolis. I have represented a fellow criminal defense attorney, an Indianapolis Metro Police Officer, and two former Marion County Sheriff’s deputies after they were arrested and accused of illegal activity. I filed the Federal Class Action lawsuit of Washington v. Marion County Prosecutor, in which Indiana’s vehicle forfeiture statute was held to be unconstitutional, under the Due Process clause of the US Constitution. I also co-authored the amicus brief for the United States Supreme Court case of Timbs v. State of Indiana, in which the United States Supreme Court held that Indiana’s attempts at forfeiture were unconstitutional under the Excessive Fines clause of the US Constitution. I handled over a dozen successful lawsuits against the Indiana Department of Corrections, challenging solitary confinement procedures under the Due Process Clause of the US Constitution. I also filed several successful lawsuits against the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department for arrests that violated the First Amendment of the US Constitution.  You can find additional information about my career as an Indiana criminal defense attorney and cases that I have handled on my In the News page.

As a criminal defense attorney, I take a client centered approach to each case.  When you call my office, you will speak with me directly.  Absent an emergency, all client communication is replied to within 24 hours, including weekends.  Additionally, absent an emergency, I will be the attorney with you for every court appearance.  Some criminal defense law firms take an assembly line approach to handling criminal cases, where a client is passed around by receptionists, paralegals, and different attorneys at each court appearance.  As a criminal attorney, I believe that this assembly line approach allows important information to fall through the cracks and that this business tactic is not in the client’s best interest.  I treat each client the way I would want to be treated if I were in their shoes, interacting with and representing them directly. I realize that every one of my client’s is a unique person with specific goals, and not merely a file.

As a criminal defense attorney, I believe it is my job to help you get through a case as painlessly as possible – without passing judgment.  I am aware that as humans, even the best of us occasionally make mistakes.  I believe that anyone in our legal system who is accused of wrongdoing deserves to have a criminal defense attorney fighting for their best interests in court and protecting their Constitutional rights.

Call 317-695-7700 for a Free Indiana & Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Consultation 

Call 317-695-7700 for a free consultation with an Indiana defense attorney if you have questions about a criminal matter in Indiana or the Indiana Expungement Law.  I have practiced criminal defense my entire career, have taught criminal law at the IU School of Law, and have personally handled thousands of cases. I provide reasonably priced (compared to other top criminal attorneys in the State of Indiana) criminal defense representation in the entire State of Indiana, including Indianapolis, Marion County, Hamilton County, Hendricks County, Boone County, Monroe County, Bloomington, Noblesville, Carmel, Fishers, Danville, and Plainfield.

I look forward to hearing from you.

For additional information, please click on any of the following links:

Criminal Defense Attorney in Indianapolis & Indiana Jeff Cardella

Call 317-695-7700 for a Free Indiana & Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Consultation

Misdemeanor Criminal Defense Attorney for Indianapolis & Indiana

Level 6 Felony Criminal Defense Attorney for Indianapolis & Indiana

Major Felony Criminal Defense Attorney for Indianapolis & Indiana

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney for Indianapolis & Indiana

Navigating the Indiana Legal System with a Defense Attorney in Indianapolis

Miscellaneous Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Does your office accept Payment Plans?

Does your office handle cases outside of Indianapolis?

Where is your office located?

Misdemeanor Criminal Defense Attorney for Indianapolis & Indiana

There are 3 levels of misdemeanor cases in Indiana which are A misdemeanor, B misdemeanor, and C misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is the most serious while C misdemeanor is the least serious. A misdemeanor cases carry a minimum sentence of zero days and a maximum sentence of 365 days. B misdemeanor cases carry a minimum sentence of zero days and a maximum sentence of 180 days. C misdemeanor cases carry a minimum sentence of zero days and a maximum sentence of 60 days. Misdemeanor cases carry lesser penalties than felony cases, but the conviction itself can still make it more difficult to obtain employment, so it is important not to brush off a misdemeanor criminal charge.

Level 6 Felony Criminal Defense Attorney for Indianapolis & Indiana

A level 6 felony carries a potential penalty range of ½ a year to 2.5 years with 1 year being the presumptive sentence. While a level 6 felony is a low level felony, being a convicted felon can carry serious penalties beyond the sentence, including the loss of legal rights such as the right to possess a firearm. Being a convicted felon can also ake it more difficult to obtain employment. Some (but not all) level 6 felony cases are eligible for alternate misdemeanor sentencing, which is often called AMS for short. AMS allows what would otherwise be a low level felony to be converted to a misdemeanor. AMS is most often addressed at the time of sentencing. However, if AMS is not brought up at the time of sentencing, AMS can still be requested at a later point in time. AMS generally can be ordered (1) at the front – meaning that on the day of sentencing, the conviction will go on the defendant’s record as a misdemeanor, or (2) at the back – meaning that the conviction will begin as a felony but can change if the defendant successfully completes the sentence. It is important to remember that when AMS is ordered at the back, if there are violations of probation, it is likely that the conviction will stay a felony.

Major Felony Criminal Defense Attorney for Indianapolis & Indiana

Felony cases that are level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are considered major felony cases. Murder cases are the most serious major felony charge. A level 5 felony carries a potential penalty range of 1 year to 6 years with 3 years being the presumptive sentence. A level 4 carries a potential penalty range of 2 years to 12 years with 6 years being the presumptive sentence. A level 3 felony carries a potential penalty range of 3 years to 16 years with 9 years being the presumptive sentence. A level 2 felony carries a potential penalty range of 10 years to 30 years with 17.5 years being the presumptive sentence. A level 1 felony carries a potential penalty range of 20  years to 40 years with 30 years being the presumptive sentence. A murder case carries a potential penalty range of 45 years to 65 years with 55 years being the presumptive sentence.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney for Indianapolis & Indiana

Federal cases generally carry far harsher penalties as compared with State cases. It is not rare that a charge that would result in probation in State Court could result in over a decade of prison in Federal Court. If you are being charge with a Federal case it is important to take the case very seriously as many federal cases result in significant prison time. It is also important to be mindful that Federal cases are far more time consuming for the attorney and legal representation can be very expensive.

Navigating the Indiana Legal System with a Defense Attorney in Indianapolis  

If you’re accused of a felony or misdemeanor in Indianapolis, your case will likely be heard in the Marion County Superior Court. The process starts with a summons or arrest and can end with charges being dropped or a conviction through a guilty plea or trial. Without a good defense attorney, the process can be confusing and stressful and put your liberty at jeopardy.  In Indiana, misdemeanors can carry up to a year of incarceration and felonies can result in prison time for longer periods of time.  Even a short period of incarceration can caus an individual major life problems, such as loss of employment.

Convictions also have long-lasting effects, like court-mandated supervision, fines, drug treatment programs, community service, and more. Plus, the stigma of a conviction makes it more difficult to tough to find a job, get an education, access public benefits, or find housing.

When you’re facing charges in Indianapolis, your first move should be to call a good and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney.

Jeff Cardella has helped thousands of clients dealing with felonies and misdemeanors in Indiana. Jeff Cardella provides solid legal representation and is committed to defending your rights.

Your case begins with an investigation. Someone makes a complaint with the police or you are arrested at the scene.  If you’re not arrested at the scene, law enforcement might ask a judge for a warrant based on probable cause. If they think you committed a crime, they will likely obtain an arrest warrant. If they suspect you have contraband in your place or vehicle, they can request  a search warrant, which might lead to your arrest.

When you’re arrested, you will be taken to the jail or arrestee processing center or will receive a summons telling you when to appear in court for the initial hearing. During processing, law enforcement will obtain fingerprints and take your picture.  If incarcerated, you will generally have a bond review hearing to determine how much bond must be posted in order to be released. You might merely be ordered to re-appear in Court or you might be supervised by Pretrial Services (which could mean drug tests, reporting in person or by phone, GPS ankle monitoring, and/or no contact orders).

At the initial hearing, your charges will be read and a plea of not guilty is entered on your behalf.

As the case progresses, there will be hearings before the Judge.  If there is a failure to appear, a warrant is likely to be issued, which can result in being incarcerated until trial.  The prosecutor might make plea or diversion offers at any status hearing. Deferred Prosecution is an agreement where the prosecutor agrees to dismiss your case if you do certain things (pay money, community service, classes, etc).  A plea offer is a deal negotiated between the prosecutor and you that might result in dismissal of some charges or a lighter sentence.

Any motions to suppress evidence based on Constitutional violations will likely be heard at these hearings.

If there is no diversion, dismissal, or plea, then the case will generally proceed to trial. 

Before trial, your defense attorney plans a defense strategy. The trial starts with opening statements from the prosecutor and your defense attorney. The prosecutor presents their case, calling witnesses and questioning them. Your attorney is allowed to cross-examine each witness.  After the state rests, the Defense Attorney will often move for Judgement on the Evidence, arguing that the case should be dismissed for lack of evidence.  The defense then has the opportunity to present evidence (although a defendant has a right to remain silent).   

After each side makes closing arguments, the Jury will decide if you are guilty or not guilty.  If convicted, the judge decides your sentence, considering things like the severity of the crime and your criminal history.  

Miscellaneous Information

For questions about specific areas of Indiana criminal law, click here.   Additional information about my office is available on the home page and the in the news page.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does your office accept Payment Plans?

We accept flexible payment plans for many legal matters.  Our office allows for “Buy Now Pay Later” through Affirm.  If you use the “Buy Now Pay Later” option, it is important to remember that qualification for a loan goes through Affirm and our office has no ability to approve eligibility.  Using “Buy Now Pay Later” is similar to using a credit card in that the repayment plan would be between you and Affirm.  In order to learn more about the “Buy Now Pay Later” option, click this option on the payment page of my website:

  • Does your office handle cases outside of Indianapolis?

I handle cases throughout all of Indiana, including the Federal District Courts and Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

  • Where is your office located?

My office is located in downtown Indianapolis across the street from Needler’s market.  If you are driving to the office and need directions, please use the google map link below:

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