If you have questions about the solitary confinement law in Indiana, call me for a free consultation at 317-695-7700.  I have practiced criminal defense my entire career, teach criminal law at the IU School of Law, and have personally handled thousands of cases.  Additional information about my office is available on my home page and in the news page. If you have questions about solitary confinement or criminal law, please do not hesitate to contact my office.

If you or a family member have questions or information about solitary confinement in the Segregated Housing Unit, often called the SHU, at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, or Warden Richard Brown, Assistant Warden Frank Littlejohn, Assistant Warden Kevin Gilmore, Unit Team Manager Jerry Snyder, or Director Jack Hendrix, please contact me directly at [email protected]



If you are in need of an Indiana expungement attorney, Indiana criminal defense attorney, or forfeiture attorney, or have questions about the Indiana Expungement Law please call me for a free consultation at 317-695-7700. I have personally defended thousands of cases, teach criminal law at the IU School of Law, am a top rated attorney, and have practiced criminal defense my entire career. Additional information about my office is available on the home page and the in the news page.